The Hidden Teachings of Rumi

By Doug Marman, Farzad Khalvati, Mitra ShafaeiThe_Hidden_Teachings_of_Rumi-front_cover-540px


This book reveals a secret that has been hidden for over 700 years.

Behind the poetry that Rumi created out of love for his teacher, Shams of Tabriz, is a deep spiritual teaching. Millions are drawn to the beauty of Rumi’s writings, but rarely are full poems quoted because they are so difficult to understand. They are seen by most as spontaneous expressions of love and spiritual ecstasy that seem to leap from one moment to another.

However, there is a thread that weaves these moments into whole cloth. Each poem shares a poignant lesson about a spiritual teaching that can only be seen with eyes of love.

Click this link to download an excerpt from the book

ISBN 978-0-9793260-4-2
324 pages 
Order online:
Canada: Amazon
US and overseas: Spiritual Dialogues


By Farzad Khalvati

The seeker is standing in the River of Life letting the pure water of stream touch his feet. The serenity of water washes away all his worries. He wonders: “How can I be recognized by Life”? The water beneath his feet keeps running with a celestial harmony. Standing in the river, he closes his eyes and contemplates.
An enormous, colourful, and beautiful bird flies above the river. Every flap of his wings moves the air gently.  He flies toward the hill on the horizon where the river originates. There is a waterfall hidden in the beauty of the forest. The bird flies above the waterfall and then comes down and gets closer to it. The waterfall touches one of his wings; soft like a silk. The bird flies up and around the waterfall and the wind is blowing through his wings. Tranquility is in the air and the bird is filled with joy.
The seeker opens his eyes. A knowingness takes shape in his being: “To be recognized by Life, one must recognize Life, right now, right here. Be the river, be the bird.”

Painting by M. Farshchian

I Am You

By Farzad Khalvati

A magnificent mountain, a contemplating mind, a man resembling a lotus, the Seeker is meditating the time, hunting for his Self, searching for a clue in the elusive inner world. A harsh silence; “The outer life, as a thought for existence, has given me a perception of my ego but has taken me away from You.” He says inwardly. “Between You and life, I had to choose just one, and how can I complain now that I chose life?”


The Seeker remembers a man, lost in the darkness of life, seeking for the inner master. After a long journey, he came and knocked at the friend’s door.



The friend asked him, “Who are you, O trusty one?”
He answered, “I”. The friend said, “Begone, it is not the time for you to come in.
“At a table like this, there is no place for the raw and inexperienced.
“Except the fire of absence and separation, who will cook the raw; who will bring the knowingness to the inexperienced and release him from insincerity?”

The poor man went away, and for a year, in travel.
He was burned with sparks of fire of separation from his friend.
The burned one was cooked; then he returned.
And again, paced to and fro beside the house of his comrade.

He knocked at the door with a hundred fears and respects,
Dreading any disrespectful word might escape from his lips.

His friend called to him, “Who is at the door?”
He answered, “It is you at the door, O charmer of hearts.”

“Now”, said the friend, “since you are I, come in, O myself.
“There is no room in the house for two I’s (egos).”

Based on Rumi’s Masnavi (initial translation by Nicholson)

Exploring the Unknown Dimensions of Consciousness – Ego

By Farzad Khalvati

“I will throw the word and sound and speech away.
That without these three I may converse with you.

That word which I kept hidden from man,
I will speak to you, O you who are the hidden mysteries of the world.

I found true individuality in non-individuality.
Therefore I wove my individuality into non-individuality.”
– Rumi 🌹

A discussion on Ego and Subconscious with the help of Jungian model and Rumi’s teachings. Understanding that on the path to self-realization, each dimension of our consciousness, including Ego, is here to help us and it has a higher purpose. Transcending individuality (Ego) and awakening to non-individuality (Subconscious and soul) is a gateway to meet the Beloved within.


Upcoming Talk: Rumi’s Hidden Teachings on Unknown Dimensions of Consciousness

I invite you to join us in a talk and dialogue on Rumi’s teachings at Richmond Hill Public Library

Facebook Event

Date: Sunday Feb 10, 2019 at 2pm
Address: Richmond Hill Public Library, 1 Atkinson St, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 0H5 Map
Title: Exploring the Unknown Dimensions of Consciousness Through Rumi’s Hidden Teachings: Shadow, Projection, and Reflection – Part 1
Speaker: Farzad Khalvati

“You are a tree with thousands of shadows on every side.
Love your shadows. Don’t cut them off from your being.

Bring the shadows to the light so they will fade away.
Reveal your glowing face like a sunrise.”

– Rumi

Often, we have the impression that the path of self-realization has little to do with our daily lives and interactions. On the surface, self-realization seems so abstract and disconnected from “real” life that it is hard to see that it (self-realization) is, indeed, the only way out of suffering and having a creative and meaningful life. 

Nevertheless, unknowingly, every day, we deal with the innermost dimensions of our awareness, without realizing that the quality of our daily life depends on deep understanding of these unknown dimensions of consciousness such as Shadow, Projection, and Reflection.

With the help of the hidden teachings of Rumi, in this talk, dialogue, and contemplation, we will explore these hidden dimensions of our awareness to become one step closer to self-realization.